BLOG 1 - A Country/Place I Would Like/Love To Visit

Hello dear class, this our first entry. As for the present task, we will be writing about a country or a place you would love visiting. This time, you need to write 250 words (pay attention to misspellings, grammar errors and vocabulary) You will also need to write three (3) comments on your classmate’s posts and one (1) on mine (25 words as a minimum). Try to use all the English that you know and what we have learnt in class. DO NOT USE GOOGLE TRANSLATOR TO DO YOUR ENTRY. You will have 48 hours to do it.


Tbilisi A dream city. 

(Capital of Georgia-The country, not the state in the US


When I first learnt about this country, I thought I was hearing about one the states which are part of the USA. Later I learnt that Georgia is one of the most ancient countries in the world! I immediately was curious to know why a Christian-like flag lives among many Muslim neighbours. I went on to investigate about its roots in history and I was struck by the richness of its culture, literature and the countless middle ages remains, spread all across the country. Similarly, their religious legacy is marked in every church they have, the paintings, the iconography,  and the architecture of the building and basilicas created a real impact on me.

 The Georgian landscape







If I have the chance to go, I would like to visit some of the many monasteries, such as Jvari up in the mountain and near to Mtskheta. Also, the state museum Joseph Stalin is a must to visit once there, this will show me the days under the Communist regime occupation and last but not least, the Dadiani Palace History and Architecture museum; which is considered one of the most important in the Caucasus.

Lastly, as a language teacher, I fell in love with its language and writing system. I dream travelling to Tbilisi (or any other city) and hear the people talking in their language. Also, I would love seeing the streets signs, the newspapers even how they look or how Georgian sounds like on television! Since their letters are so different to ours, I’d love experiencing every day Georgian. I am convinced that I would get involved in a course to learn the language and their characters some day.  

Dadiani Palace History and Architecture Museum



 On my next holiday's planning, I would definitely consider going to Georgia!


  1. Before I read the post I think that Georgia flag was the same that Groenland, a huge mistake! By the way, I seek how are the letters in Georgian and they are so nice, like a draw. Finally, for me, the architecture in the places are very interesting to know the history of the countries.

  2. I didn't know that Georgia was a country either, I thought it was a state of the United States, it sounds like a wonderful destination to visit, I hope one day I can go.

  3. I find very interesting the country that you would like to visit, the interesting thing makes it that although it is very old as you mention it in your blog it is not as well known as any other.


  4. Wowwww, this is the first time I've read about this country. I think that the oldest countries have so many hidden stories that if we knew more we wouldn't believe it. I love traveling so that may be a next destination in the future.


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