
Showing posts from October, 2023

BLOG - 5 Changes To My Study Programme

Hello class, this is our fifth entry. This time, we will write about the study programme (career) you are doing at university. Consider the following questions for your post: The curriculum (the subjects you have to study) Workload and length of studies Faculty facilities (buildings and infrastructure) Use of technology Teaching methods Instructions: Write 200 to 220 words (pay attention to misspellings, grammar errors and vocabulary).  You will also need to write three (3) comments on your classmate’s posts and one (1) on mine (25 words as a minimum). Try to use all the English that you know and what we have learnt in class. DO NOT USE GOOGLE TRANSLATOR TO DO YOUR ENTRY. You will have 48 hours to do it. Do not forget to include some photographs.  __________________________________________________________________________________ Changes to my study programme Casa central - Universidad de Chile This last entry is basically an invitation to you look at you

BLOG - 4 Time Travel to the Past or Future

Hello class, this is our fourth entry. This time, we will write about the  past and the future.  . Consider the following questions for your post:   Where would you like to go? Why? What time in the past/future?  Would you like to stay there? Why? Why not?     Instructions: Write 200 to 220 words (pay attention to misspellings, grammar errors and vocabulary).  You will also need to write three (3) comments on your classmate’s posts and one (1) on mine (25 words as a minimum). Try to use all the English that you know and what we have learnt in class. DO NOT USE GOOGLE TRANSLATOR TO DO YOUR ENTRY. You will have 48 hours to do it. Do not forget to include some photographs.      A journey into the future...   I have always dreamt travelling into the future.  It all began with a motion film named "Back to the Future". When I first saw this film I couldn't help wondering how the future would be. I went on and on day-dreaming envisioning new devises for our daily future lives. S