BLOG - 5 Changes To My Study Programme

Hello class, this is our fifth entry. This time, we will write about the study programme (career) you are doing at university. Consider the following questions for your post:

  • The curriculum (the subjects you have to study)
  • Workload and length of studies
  • Faculty facilities (buildings and infrastructure)
  • Use of technology
  • Teaching methods


Write 200 to 220 words (pay attention to misspellings, grammar errors and vocabulary). 

You will also need to write three (3) comments on your classmate’s posts and one (1) on mine (25 words as a minimum). Try to use all the English that you know and what we have learnt in class. DO NOT USE GOOGLE TRANSLATOR TO DO YOUR ENTRY. You will have 48 hours to do it.

Do not forget to include some photographs. 


Changes to my study programme

Casa central - Universidad de Chile

This last entry is basically an invitation to you look at your study programme critically. When I say “critically” does not necessarily mean in a critic, acid or negative way. To look, or to observe something in a critical way, in nothing less than to examine accurately, with a sharp investigative eye all the pros and cons. In this line, I can clearly state that the university realm, gives us actually this opportunity; to deepen and face all possible options to reach a final conclusion, which might lead us into a potential truth.

As for college programmes, syllabuses and study agendas, I side what has been proposed by early university founders back early 1300's: “a university is a space to seek for the truth”. Therefore, our curricula should reflect what our society is in need for. A reflection of the requirements our settings are in need of. Thus, I have some apprehensions with some of the subjects sometimes are offered to our students. Is no that they are not important or crusial, is simply, they sometimes, seems to be slightly outdated, disconnected or poorly forged. It also seems, it is merely an unfitted study programme today's reality. 

A popular cafeteria at UChile

Similarly, considering university facilities, these are an important asset when it comes to pick a place to spend the next four or five academic years. Hence, thinking on our university appropriate infrastructures, these would enable students and professor’s in researching, giving and receiving lectures, opening green spaces for relaxation, well implemented and organised cafeteria as well other areas supplying beverages and/or similar. All before mentioned will help the academic environment to be more accessible and friendly.

As for technology and internet, our university is well positioned. Nonetheless, there are several obstacles to be covered. By instance, internet connection or availability is sometimes really weak and almost inaccessible in certain areas of our campuses. This problem is something our academic authorities might have a look into. Some computer labs are extremely out-dated and need a quick update. Again, there are plenty of good assets and resources, but sometimes, technological advancements are faster than our supplies.

Lastly, the different methodologies, styles and approaches when we take up a class, could be very challenging to both students and professors. Current educational trends tend to put a lot of efforts and emphasis on the communicative or the hands-in approach. These are only one aspect how we humans could acquire knowledge, nonetheless, there are not the only ones, there are multiple ways to learn and to be taught. Thus, our university is constantly seeking for new ways to implement subjects and contents, but we do not have to put aside all previous teaching experinces as they have shown that they worked out positively in the past.


  1. I really agree with you about the big problem the faculty has about the lack of green areas and a well organized cafeteria, and the big problem the university has not focussing on topics that are important for the current society. This is specially problematic when we think about arts, because is not really clear what our function in society is, so this should be the principal focus when creating syllabus.

  2. Similar to how you think, I think to the infrastructure is a difficulty to good communication and accessibility and there are many things left to improve.

  3. In my personal opinion, i would rather to find the 'truth' as you said, with the last technology which is what our society needs as i see it

  4. About the technology and the internet, in my opinion there is a lot to do, because in many campus the connect is inaccessible and the computers have many problems with the programs, like the ones we need for design.

  5. I think it's necessary to question about these issues, specially about the infrastructure, as you said, this is the place where we are going to spend our time for years, it's important to have a good enviroment and places to recreate and relax.

  6. I agree with you when you say that sometimes university programs seems, it is merely an unfitted study programme today's reality. i have the same apprehension with mine.

  7. I think in the most of the situation, the curriculum is better in the reality, when you enter in university it is very different, especially with the art, maybe this is the faculty with less resources, the most of the classrooms are bad condition, and takes a long time for fix or ask for something we need. But i think this happens in all places, not only in this country, is a problem in the society.

  8. I like a lot your opinion on the subject, because I feel that it is true, education is looking for innovation in learning and teaching. I very much agree with your last opinion.

  9. I have some differences with your opinion, I think that the university experience in the Faculty of Arts of the University of Chile in my case has given me several disappointments in terms of academic and administrative decisions. As if they didn't want to improve.


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